Initiating the Growth of Mind

Home – Know Your Beliefs, Desires, Fears and Intentions
Stage 1
Know Your Beliefs, Desires, Fears and Intentions


A balanced personality may be found as the sum of the best performance of heart and brain. To achieve this end, we need to distinguish and capture heart-specific behaviours and brain-specific behaviours. By a specific training of mind, as targeted in this programme, this type of distinction and understanding of such behaviours can be achieved. This stage moves in this direction by generating the better understanding of our beliefs, desires, fears and intentions. Belief-formation is the matter of heart-specific behaviour. Whereas, the work the work of desires and fears remains linked with brain-specific behaviour. While, the growth and development of intentions remains the matter of the sound functioning of both heart and brain. Therefore, as soon as, a person comes to have a knowledge of his or her beliefs, desires, fears and intentions, the world of heart and brain begins to unfold, blessing him/ her with the new strengths of a balanced personality.

Furthermore, we can better understand ourselves, if we are better aware of our needs, desires and intentions. A successful personality construction can be ensured, if one has all the necessary awareness about the nature and type of one’s beliefs, desires and intentions. This awareness however isn’t so easy to be attained. It is because beliefs, desires and intentions cause to determine the way human mind works. Therefore these cause a human being to be a human being and, thus, in this difficult task, one needs to reach at the core of oneself. Often, what one knows as his or her beliefs, desires and intentions have little to do with his or her genuine beliefs, desires and intentions. This defines the purpose of this stage that it aims at giving students a better quality awareness of their beliefs, desires and intentions.

Furthermore, this awareness will help the students to know about the importance of beliefs in their life. This is significant because it is by belief-formation, Islam wants to address the problems of personality construction. With the power of beliefs, the world of heart is enriched and expanded to the extent that a person becomes able to witness the light of Allah or Noor (). The holy Quran declares: Allah is the light (or Noor) of the heavens and earth (24-35). it indicates the presence of light, beauty and adornment on earth since without this light of God, there  would be complete darkness and desolation. If there is an excellence, perfection or fineness anywhere and on any degree, it is due to this light of God. Thus, fineness, freshness and refinement in everything of earth and skies are not only the source of Noor for us but also cause the growth and development of our beliefs. So without observing this Noor, no personality perfection is attainable in Islamic perspective. The goal of these workshops throughout these stages is to enable the students/ professionals to witness Noor to further acquire an intellectual growth with the help of which they could go through all of their undertakings—from their family life to their work places with a greater degree of refinement, taste and quality.

Workshop1: Your Desires and dreams

Framework of Issues

To begin with your desires: Usually, desires can be classified into three:


Workshop2: Calculating Your Fears

Framework of Issues

We are familiar with desires but don’t clearly know our fears which can be classified into followings:
Workshop3: Gain The Power of Certainty (Your Belief-Formation)

Framework of Issues



It is important to note here that a strong belief in Allah will help you have strength and clarity in all sorts of beliefs, regarding:
Workshop4: Identifying the Covert Intentions

Framework of Issues


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