Uncovering the Layers of Self

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Stage 2
Uncovering the Layers of Self


Each human self or personality is the combination of different layers

In the job of personality construction and self–exploration, one of the big challenges is to uncover the covers of self. This process of uncovering is very painful and complex. The purpose of this stage is to enable the students to look at themselves in a clear light by allowing them to remove these different covers. This is how they can be helped to reach at their core-self, that is their actual personality. The strength or weakness of a personality depends on his ability of the identification of his core-self. Furthermore, different evils remain hidden under these covers of self. So if one is able to uncover these covers, it becomes easy for him to get rid of these evils, which never allow him/her to utilize the potential of heart, brain and mind.

Self-discovery is a painful and difficult process. But as soon as one begins to recognize oneself, one also comes close to conquer it. It means that one becomes able to shape one’s desires, interests, motifs and intentions in the way he or she deems best. This is where one is able rule over one’s unruly greed or lust. At this juncture, one can shape one’s tendency towards the attractions of this world. He or she becomes able to decide: which beauty is useful and which one needs to be avoided? (the beauty here indicates the attractions of the world i.e, women, wealth, material things of pride such as cars, dresses etc). This is how one is able to set one’s preferences but also to put them in a workable order: first thing first and second thing second. So self-discovery on each step assures us that an undesirable type of self can be replaced by a desirable type.

Workshop 5: Know Your Own Self

Framework of Issues


Workshop 6: Removing the Garb of Innocence and Finding the Insecured Self

Framework of Issues


Workshop 7: Digging Out your Proud Self

Framework of Issues


Workshop 8: Identify Your Emotional Self

Framework of Issues


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