First, tracing out your ego or “I” isn’t always easy due to the rubbish effects of the ‘type’ of the world or the surrounding environment. So first issue is to find the commonalities between you as an ‘ego’ and the type of world around you.
Afterwards, try by different suitable means to view and grasp the conscious entity –‘I’ in you. One way of this is to let you feel or realize or be conscious of the presence of ‘spirit’ in you that makes you think, imagine and make decisions to do or not to do certain things
This is the source of ‘life’ in your skeleton, bones and brain.
In its pure and sincere form, this is your ‘core-self’ with the help of which you move, engage in various pursuits and pass your life in a successful and contented manner. Remember that core-self works to its best when it is able to enjoy the highest level of coordination between heart and brain.
Another issue is how to boast up or give the much needed strength and coherence to one’s ‘ego’ or ‘I’ or core-self, upon the basis of which one is able to control and manage his or her unruly desires or lust and thus either to pass life in progress or in regress.
Trace what is Negative as well as what is Positive in You
Just Brood the Previous practical situations and Note Down: The Moments You Ignored Your Conscience and acted as per some Powerful impulse in you.
Try to Identify Such Impulses Making You do the Negative
This is like a Black Circle Hovering over Yourself
As soon as you are able to identify and locate this circle, engage yourself in a struggle to observe that your ego or ‘I’ is able to become free from its impurities and impurities of the type of world or not. Note further that this observation acts like a scale upon which you can measure your leaning towards good or bad. This is then you are in a position to begin to enjoy the rhythm oozing out of the co-ordination between heart and brain
Find out then the connection between that circle and the perceived fears—the things which off and on make you scared of
Find out then the connection between that circle and the perceived fears—the things which off and on make you scared of
Again note that without any solid grounds or reasons, you keep yourself engaged in them and thus wasting away your precious energy and resources to manage these fears.
Make a sense further, this circle is the breeder of lot of suspicions in you. In consequence, the more these suspicions are, the more a person comes to lose his time or resources. So you suffer from the dissipation of some of the vital energies—which are the only product of the state of certainty or faith.
To further gauge the effects of this circle on your core-self, it is this circle which makes you collect more and more power and wealth and establish your hegemony on others.
Are you Able to find this circle out?
Concentrate fully to know about this circle in you.
This will help to remove the powerful layers of negativity on you
Another important step here is that just concentrate to understand: why are you what you are?
Peeping into the past, write down the forces which have shaped your life like that?
How far your own self is significant in your eyes?
Analyze yourself by finding out your weaknesses—the expectations you have with others.
Try to trace your ego by the use of I’ in your daily conversation and interaction.
Try to do the more and more good and avoid evils
The outcome of this goodness will help you view yourself in a clean whole. Are you able to view this clean whole?
One sign of this whole is that in this whole, you will find that except that black circle, everything in you is neat and clean. It is in this way you can view and grasp the black circle hovering over your personality.