Stopping Yourself from the Most Loved/ Most Cherished in a Particular Moment
Framework of Issues
In the painful journey of self-discovery, sometimes it happens that a person is conscious of his/her guilt or about his/her wrong, but he/she finds himself/herself unable to take the necessary steps despite the knowledge, to get rid of that guilt or wrong. This usually occurs due to that person’s infatuation for the most loved or the most cherished in his/her life. This causes his brain to be shaped in a particular way, becoming a deeply rooted habit of him/her which thus becomes quite difficult to be controlled. After understanding this problem, a person needs to take radical measures to get rid of this particular turn of his/her brain and behavior.
The second major issue in this regard is that men and Women end up the slaves of their environment/ world-type in which they continue to live for a long time. They develop the temperament to embrace ‘the easy and avoid ‘the difficult’ as the part of this environment.
This makes them bear rigid/ fixed positions, stubborn, idle and un-progressive.
In return, they finally come to develop what can be named as “stubborn/ idle self” which being as an extension of Nafase Ammarra happens to be the real enemy of men and women. It keep men and women luring towards what is really harmful for them in the guise of most cherished in their life.
Targeting the first issue, first carefully note that if there is something at the moment which remains most loved or most cherished for you. Being the spur of the moment or being in the guise of a most urgent need, it may possibly remain hidden from you. So it may be a thing that you are loving or cherishing most but you aren’t conscious of that. So ponder with so care and caution. It is possible that you like many things but all of them certainly the part of most cherished in your life. In usual cases, the things you are fond are not more than two or three. Even then, you need to select ‘one’—the most wanted by you. Often, such most loved/ most cherished prove to be hurdles in the way of your goal you have already set in stage I, and thus responsible for wasting away your time and the precious resources at the cost of what is genuinely useful in your life.
To help yourself to know how to avoid the most loved or most cherished, you need to look at some model-behaviors. The Holy Quran is a best guide in this regard too. Since it can be found as the practice of God as the part of trial for the sake of correcting human behavior. This can be seen in number of ways: In the war between Taloot and Jallot, God commanded the army of Taloot composed of the people of Bani Israel not to take but a very small amount of water that not more than a handful of water. Except a very small faction, not more than 313, the rest of army ignored the commandment. The purpose was to separate faithful from those of unfaithful. Since the army of Jaloot was in much greater number and was far superior in arms, a real risk was that the unfaithful or the unsteadfast were not in any way able to even stand before that seemingly powerful army. So by stopping form a valid but the most wanted thing on the hour (the need for taking water in the time of acute thirst), not only the victory was gained for the much weaker Bani Israel but the purpose of God in putting human beings in trial was met. This trial is there to enable them to get rid of their guilt or impurities which they remain unable to remove by normal means or the general codes of religion. The same may be noted in the commandment that your cannot reach virtue unless you spend from what remains most loved/most cherished of your wealth or property (Al Imran ). In the famous incident of making the people of Bani Israel stop catching fish (that was a Halal commodity) on the day of Saturday, the purpose was to test them to make them remove their impurities of soul, mind and body. Similarly, when the three sincere companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) failed to accompany him the battle of Tabook, they were banned by the Muslim community first and later by even their own families, the purpose was to purify them to the extent that no traces of the smallest impurities should be there in their hearts. So by stopping yourself from the most loved or most cherished of you in a particular moment, you can purify yourself from the guilt or the wrong that is otherwise difficult to be controlled but you can gain the mastery to change your fixed turn of mind or stubborn nature sticking to an error.
To resolve the second issue, first try to revitalize the vital spirits of your body and soul. For this purpose keep to consuming each and every hour in the light of your priorities already set by you.
Moreover, for the sake of revitalizing soul and body, take little food that is no more than necessary and say the five times prayers as if you are able to witness God.
Avoid unnecessary gossiping, discussions and fun-making since these cause to rotten the hearts and thus put bad influence on the revitalization of soul and body. Likewise, at the same time, the interference in the matters of others.
This is what the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) teaches. So Consume some of your time easily manageable to you on daily basis to read, understand and practice Sunnah. Importantly, engage yourself to do the same while performing each exercise of this training program.
Note that the off and on mentioned change of environment would be useful in case if you have convinced yourself to revitalize your body and soul.