The problem of sticking to one’s rigid position is the result of one’s disposition to live by self-deception that he knows everything and he is clever enough to do what he wants. In this respect, this is a type of over-confidence which may be there in a particular interval of time or situation but may fade in another interval or situation. So this is the part of a certain personality flaw due to which a person has the tendency, though not on permanent basis but changing from situation to situation to see a particular thing to happen at all costs. This appears to be the result of nafs ammara (bad self) overwhelming the overall personality. The victory of this Nafse in defining one’s personality mode indicates that that person is overwhelmed by a particular desire, lust and greed and wants to justify his/her guilty position by some other means agreeable in the society. The difference between determination and being stubborn is that the former springs out of core-self to be overwhelmed by nafse Mutminna (satisfied self) Thus a person becomes determined to achieve something over which he/she is fully satisfied. In the state of being stubborn or fixed state of mind, a person becomes unable to utilize the potentials of heart and brain and suffers from a deeply confused state of mind though he/she remains unaware of that.
Another issue that you as a personality should be able to locate the problem or objects which make you think and behave in a particular direction—the things which cause you emotionally unstable or extremely over joyed, or you become panic and thus deeply disappointed.
Try to trace the background of this personality mode; you need to penetrate deep into the secrets of the unusual or the sudden shocks since your child hood. This remains a grave issue the serious the shocks are, the deeper these would be entrenched. So a person tries to hide them even from himself/ herself. This usually occurs due to the strong influence of the proud self over his/her overall personality. So one needs to be out of pride to peep deep into oneself to dig out the treasures of it.
First try to find out what is ‘attractive’ for you in a situation or an interval of time and then try to minimize the ‘effects’ of that attraction on your mind. This can easily be done, if you are able to sort the devil out of that attraction. Remember, all bounties and benefits of this, if no longer connected to God, these continue to be the sources of attraction hiding devil in them unless human beings are able to return to God.
Another way is to let you try hard to find out the particular nature and type of images pertaining to the things you cherish most; note that these images dwell as the part of memory-store, responsible for your brain to direct its functioning.
Note down the effects of these images on your personality mode while engaging yourself in a particular activity in a particular interval of time.
How far are you able to control the effects of these images?
Also note down role of environment around you in helping you to control these images
By changing the environment you live in, for example, can you replace these images with those of comparatively better ones or, can you dilute the effects of these images on positive lines?
What kinds of environment enhance you’re intellectual or physical or spiritual to spirits to control these images?