Religion in our modern world is often viewed as the source of backwardness and un-growth. On
similar lines, a religious personality is often caricatured and remains the subject of criticism as
well as the symbol of rigidity and stagnation. In comparison to this is the conception of a modern
personality with progressive outlook, sharp in his judgments, fully flexible in his attitudes and
capable of utilizing men, materials and machines. However, in our rapidly changing world that is
post-modern, post-rationalist, post-industrialist, post-nationalist, this concept of the modern
personality is increasingly turning out to be a myth. So the magic attached with modern
personality in now fading quickly and there is dire need to rearrange the set of values which could
provide the foundation for a different type of personality—that is equally progressive and sharpminded but at the same time, remains free from being hollow from within.
To achieve this end, we offer this training program. It seeks to reawaken the best of your
intellectual, physical and emotional potentials but aims to fill up your spiritual vacuity by means
of self-discovery. This self-discovery is unique since it enlightens your soul and body with the
Light of God spreading in the earth and skies. This Light of God is responsible for all the
adornment, action, attractions, excitement, joy and taste everywhere on the earth.
This gives another unique feature of this program. Because of its clear cut monotheism—that is
universally acclaimed by almost all religions, it remains open to the followers of all faith. So you
can equally benefit from the program no matter whatsoever your religious affiliation is.
So our aim is to help you pass through a fully enchanted journey of “self-discovery” which finally
makes you to experience the wonders of your own self and to help you benefit from the hidden
treasures of your brain, body, heart and soul. By allowing yourself to go through these wonders,
you can become an astonished figure in your community and on all the places of your interaction.
Kindly, help us to let you experience the Truth—the Truth upon which whole the universe exists
and the sustenance is provided to you, your families and the billions of people in the world.